Sunday, January 11, 2009

Highways on Fire: Fast Times in Memphis and the Louisiana Hustle

I have to talk to that Driver's Union. I logged 9 hours today, Erika logged none. It's like Driving Ms. Daisy, but I think I'm lacking something that Morgan Freeman has... hm.

We left Nashville around 9:30, had some problems with inflating one of the tires. There were a brief ten minutes of panic that we wouldn't get out of Nashville alive, but then we crossed the streams and it all turned out ok.

Somewhere between Nashville and Louisiana, we decided to stop in Memphis for lunch. In the first note of the series, Uncle Andrew suggested a place for us to eat in Memphis. It was both way out of our price range, and closed for some heathen holiday season that I've never heard of. They say that if you can write sports, you can write anything. I would like to propose an "except travel guides and pornos" addendum.

Left without a plan or place to eat, we started walking down Second Street, looking like a couple of gummo tourists. We happened across a sign that proudly proclaimed "Voted Best Burgers in Memphis Since 1984" and I made the executive decision to eat lunch at whatever establishment was making so bold a claim.

"Best burgers?" I thought. "We'll see about that."

Huey's was the name of this fine bar/dining establishment, and they did in fact have the best burger I ever had in Memphis. While it was the only burger that I have ever eaten in Memphis, it was still damn tasty, and if that wasn't the best than I don't want to know what is.

The highlight of our dining experience was our waiter, Matt "Shaggy" Herring (like the fish). I am voting him the least douchiest waiter in all of Memphis, if only to assuage his fears that I am an undercover journalist for "Douchebag Waiters Weekly".

He was a kind soul, and a great waiter. He thought I was a girl at first, but quickly covered up by saying that he could empathize with my situation, as he too boasts a manly ponytail. His impressive beard however would suggest less confusing in his gender, but perhaps it has something to do with those Tennessee mountain girls...

Anyway, he was a pretty awesome guy and even let me take his picture for the blog.

After lunch, and meeting a new Facebook friend, we went to the Lorraine Hotel where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot.

In the video blog, I say something about how weird it is to stand at that spot, looking at that balcony, and think about who our President will be in a short while... and it is weird. But I'm not sure in what way.

Is it awe inspiring? Is it some sort of analogy for "how far we have come as a country"? I don't think so. Racism still exists en force in America, and I don't believe that we've grown up completely just yet.

Tony Gorrick made a point about my profile picture that Obama ran his election based on skin color... and I feel that that is completely wrong. Are you trying to say that Obama purposefully made himself black in order to win the election? Or that, had he been a white man, McCain would have won? Did you stop to think that maybe Obama was elected because he represented a different heading than the one America was tacking on for the past eight years? This is not to say that Obama's course is going to be the right one, whether his solutions work or not will be revealed later, but I think that my friend missed the point.

Or maybe Obama won because he didn't pick a complete and utter twit for his running mate. Sure, she's easy on the eyes, but not on the brain cells.

Pardon me, my brain is fried and I digress.

After Memphis, we flew down the highway towards Tennessee and arrived safely somewhere in Louisiana.

We are being put up for the night by parents of on of Erika's friends, Dani Garza. Their names are Alfredo and Areta Garza, and they gave us stew and cupcakes, which was pretty much like heaven at the end of our day. Big props to them.

I can hear New Orleans calling my name... but unfortunately we won't be going there anytime soon. One day, I'll return to my love.

But that's all for now folks. Burnt out and brain dead on this Saturday night, but spirits remain high. Thanks for reading, and your comments are all read and duly appreciated.

- Rev.

Tomorrow: ... in which we head West.

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