Wednesday, October 22, 2008

With Apologies to Mom and Dad: A Call to Arms at LVC for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws

An Open Letter to Lebanon Valley College Administration and Students:

Yesterday, my best friend was suspended from school and banned from campus for a year and a half, spent the night on a steel cot, and is facing two felony charges and a misdemeanor. What crime is he guilty of that warrants such heinous retribution? Why, it was simply the possession of a plant. Because he, an adult citizen of the United States of America, refused to buy into the propaganda and bullshit behind this “evil” flora he now faces a setback in his academic development and a criminal record that could haunt him forever. In this foul year of our lord, 2008, the mentality of our government is still decidedly anti-Marijuana, and to what end?

In 2005, there were 43,443 alcohol related traffic fatalities. Every year there are approximately 100,000 alcohol related deaths overall. Every weekend, bars are open until 2:00 AM and freely serve liquor, wine, and beer to those patrons who are of age. And in 2007 alone, there were exactly zero deaths related to marijuana overdose. The government condones the sale and consumption of alcohol, while it chases after and persecutes marijuana users more ardently than they pursue rapists and child molesters. While my friend is being banned from the Lebanon Valley College campus, there are five registered sex offenders living within a stone’s throw of my house. I know that I have been accused of being irrational, combative, and impulsive... but am I really the only one who sees a problem with this?

In my three years of college I have seen a drunk throw a chair, get in a fight with his best friend, destroy college property, and raise all sorts of hell. In my three years of college I have not once seen somebody under the influence of marijuana raise a hand against friend or foe, knock over a trash can, or otherwise be a total dick. Marijuana has countless medical benefits which could do good for all of mankind. Industrial hemp is a useful and environmentally sound alternative to cotton, plastics, glass, has many nutrition benefits, and doesn’t even get you high. Yet it is illegal because of its kinship with cannabis. Who else sees a discrepancy here?

LVC Administrators and Students, I am writing to tell you that neither I nor my fellow students will stand for this anymore. I, for one, refuse to relegate myself to the shadows with this anymore. I am willing to standup as a proud American citizen and say, “I support, and am willing to fight for, the decriminalization of marijuana.”

So, dear readers, especially those of you at LVC, I am going to go about establishing a chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws on the Lebanon Valley College campus. Who’s with me?


Here’s a video of Seth McFarlane (creator of Family Guy) talking at Stanford. About five minutes into the video he gives a good rundown of why pot was made illegal in the first place. Here’s a spoiler: it was because of a government lobbyist back in the 1800’s. Check it out at about 4:30 minutes... you'll be enlightened if you haven't been already.

This post is dedicated to the man who was persecuted by these swine. I'm sorry that it took a tragedy to move me to activism. Big ups to a true blood.


  1. You're argument makes sense, but I would draw the opposite conclusion. I am a supporter of prohibition, the making illegal of alcohol. Call me crazy, but if alcohol is as bad as you described, I think it should be outlawed.

  2. Hey i saw your flyer's around campus, if your starting a norml chapter i definitely want to help. I plan on stopping before the movie tomorrow to talk to you about your plans for lvc norml, see you then.

  3. Agree. Good letter.
