Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"I Could Never Get the Hang of Tuesdays" - Arthur Dent

" Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism." - Hunter S. Thompson

I read that quote at least a dozen times a day. I scrawled the words onto a scrap of notebook paper. Its tacked next to a silkscreen picture of the Good Doctor I have hanging in my cubicle, just to the right of the old Dell CRT monitor I stare at every day of my internship.

The whole setup is pretty cool, I mean, the internship as a whole, as well as aforementioned cubicle.

I'm not sure how comfortable I feel saying who I blog for just yet. I might wait until I start a new blog (can't we think of a nobler word for the thing?). Anyway, I intern at a newspaper, and, one week into it, everything is pretty awesome.

Expect fun things to be happening soon. I bought a Webbie and I have too much time on my hands.

I'm living elsewhere this summer with some good friends. By day, I'm either a gas station clerk or a lowly Features intern tapping away at a keyboard. By night, I run, make music, or kill copious amounts of Nazi Zombies.
(By afternoon, I just run errands, have brilliant ideas, or take naps.)

Cigarettes haven't been a problem lately. We'll see how long I hold out this time, I'm going for the gold this time.

The internship is pretty clutch. Cubicles aren't that bad, for now at least.

My roommate and I are embarking for the North Country in a little over a month. One week up at the lake, maybe tackle Marcy. Hopefully, one of us gets to wrestle a bear.

That's what's going on for now. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to do so.

Point. Narf.

- Rev. Gonzo